YOUR K- BEAUTY GUIDE: To Support Your Skin Care Journey!

Best K-Beauty Ingredients for Acne

Best K-Beauty Ingredients for Acne: Get rid of acne with these ingredients

When it comes to acne, there are tons of questions most of us would like to know. “What is acne? What causes acne? How is acne formed? Can skincare cause acne?” These are some of the most common questions that people look for when they have acne. In today’s article, we’ll be going over some of the most commonly asked questions. We’ll also be listing down some of the best k-beauty ingredients for acne that works wonders on other skin concerns you may have as well.

How is acne formed?

Acne is a skin condition that most people suffer with during their teenage years and also adulthood. If not taken care of, it can cause acne scarring.

Basically, acne forms when your oil glands start to produce excess sebum (natural oil that keeps the skin moisturized) that mixes with the dead skin cells that clog the pores (small openings on the surface of your skin where substances like sweat is produced).

The clogging of your pores thus causes the area to become inflamed. Acne is also caused when there is excess acne bacteria on the surface of your skin.

Acne is a skin condition that most people suffer with during their teenage years and also adulthood. If not taken care of, it can cause acne scarring.

Basically, acne forms when your oil glands start to produce excess sebum (natural oil that keeps the skin moisturized) that mixes with the dead skin cells that clog the pores (small openings on the surface of your skin where substances like sweat is produced).

The clogging of your pores thus causes the area to become inflamed. Acne is also caused when there is excess acne bacteria on the surface of your skin.

Acne Vs. Pimples

Now this topic is often debated by most people who have started having acne. So, what really is the difference between acne and pimples? It’s quite simple actually – acne is the skin condition or the skin issue and the symptoms are pimples. Pimples are more commonly used as a general symptomatic term for acne. Acne however, can be classified into more categories, namely:

  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Cystic
  • Nodular

These acne types can be caused by different factors such as excess sebum production, bacterial infection, hormonal changes, stress and so on. Refer figure 2.1 for types of acne illustration.


[Figure 2.1 showing acne types]

Here’s a quick video on the types of acne:

Best K-beauty Ingredients for acne

Now moving on, I know the tension between your hands and that zit/pimple are on another level. And trust me when I say this – the urge to squeeze the life out of that pimple is real. Most of us have been there only to regret the choices we made after popping it. So, as much as you can, try to avoid squeezing your acne.

So then, what would be the logical decision to take for your acne? Well for starters you can always pay a visit to your dermatologist if your acne is severe or instead use anti-acne ingredients if your acne is mild to moderate.

This article will be focusing on the second option which is also the cheaper option. However, there is one thing to do before we jump into the bag of ingredients which is – getting to know your skin type.

Quick fact about skin types is that most people often make the mistake of thinking they have a particular skin type and end up using the wrong ingredient. The category that fits the description mostly has to do with combination skin types which can be tricky sometimes. If you don’t know your skin type yet, click here.

Talking about ingredients, here are a few ingredients that can help YOU get rid of your acne:

1. Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA)

Also known as Beta Hydroxy Acids are what’s known as Exfoliators also popular for its anti-bacterial properties at fighting acne.

BHAs are generally used to exfoliate dead skin cells, remove excess oil or sebum on your face and also improves your skin texture too.

Also, if you’re using this ingredient, you have to remember to apply sunscreen every time because your skin can become sensitive and we don’t want sun damage now do we?

The most common BHA used for exfoliation is Salicylic Acid which is commonly found in cleansers and exfoliators. This ingredient is suitable for people with more sensitive skin.

BHAs are generally safe for teens and adults if you start in lower concentrations. But if you’re pregnant, we would recommend you try other ingredients instead because BHA may affect the baby.

2.Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)

Alpha Hydroxy Acids are like the not-so-distant cousins of BHAs which are also exfoliators. But, they’re a little different than their BHA cousins in terms of variation.

Here’s why: As you age, your skin cell turnover slows down naturally and this is where exfoliators like AHAs help to peel off dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production to keep you looking younger and radiant while also combatting and preventing acne.

Also, AHAs are also known for their skin-brightening properties which can be an effective option for getting rid of pigmentation from acne and sun damage.

Quick Note: AHAs are water-soluble whereas BHAs are oil-soluble.

Now, is this ingredient safe for pregnancy? Some research says it’s okay to use it in lower concentrations but I wouldn’t really recommend it. Moving on, is it safe for teens and adults? Yes, however, it is recommended that you start in lower concentrations if you have never tried active ingredients before.


Another ingredient for getting rid of those dreadful acne ruining our lives (but not necessarily the end).

Quick fact about Propolis: it is an ingredient derived from beehives which your friendly neighbourhood honeybees extract from plants and buds (Thank you Bees!)

It has anti-bacterial properties which is crucial for anti-acne ingredients to have. Its anti-bacterial property fights off acne-causing bacteria and also improves your skin texture.

It keeps your skin free from blemishes caused by acne.

Also, a plus point for propolis is that it is a gentle ingredient that also helps to reduce redness.

Coming to the question of: is it safe for pregnancy? Well unfortunately, there’s still not enough data on this to really consider this ingredient to be safe for pregnant women. So, what we would suggest is to consult your dermatologist on the matter first. Now is it safe for teens adults? So, like the other active ingredients, it is always recommended that you start in small amounts and low concentrations to see if your skin likes it or not.

4. Green Tea

This is easily one of our top five ingredients for getting rid of acne. Here’s why:

It reduces excess production of sebum on your skin which is one of the primary factors for causing acne.

It is also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial which you can bet that it will do a great job at making your acne disappear.

And most importantly it also contains anti-oxidants that fight  off free radicals (a major contributing factor when it comes to wrinkling, dark spots, etc)

Now all of these combined makes green tea an ultimate acne-fighting ingredient.

And, drinking green tea is good for health. Okay that was just random, but true! Random, but true (smiley face).

Now, the question of the hour is – can you use green tea ingredient while you are pregnant? Today is your lucky day because the answer is – *drum-rolls* Yes. Green tea skincare products are safe.

5.Vitamin – C

The first thing that comes to my mind when Vit-C is something citrussy or orangey, if that’s even a word. Anyway, coming back, it is an anti-oxidant that helps to fight off free radicals that damage your skin cells like I mentioned earlier.

This ingredient also plays a vital role in protecting, healing, and stimulates collagen to produce new skin cells.

Vit-C also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and inflammation you get from an acne. Now a common misconception people have about Vit-C is that although it is found in food we consume, it does not necessarily have the same potency as it does when it is applied topically.

It is also known to deal with hyperpigmentation or discoloration of the skin caused by acne in an area of your skin without affecting other areas of your skin.

Additional benefits of Vit-C are:

  • Soothes sunburns
  • Protects your skin from sun damage
  • Boosts collagen
  • Reduces under-eye circles
  • Hydrates your skin


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